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Color theories

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! This is one of my favorite days all year, because green is my favorite color, and I’m fairly certain I left a portion of my heart in Dublin a few years ago. So a day where wearing an abnormal amount of green is considered part of the celebration is all okay with me (for the record, I have on a green “Ireland” jacket, a green shirt, and green shoes; yes, green shoes).

Oh check it, I’ve got a picture of the shoes (this is from a while ago, when I first bought them).

Green shoes

I’m sure your life is enriched now because I shared a picture of my shoes. Anyway…

I love playing with color, in my knitting, in my wardrobe, on paper, and pretty much any other place in which color can become an integral part. If you looked in my closet, you would see an inordinate amount of black t-shirts, but that’s because they make for an excellent canvas for a brightly-colored scarf or one of my bright and happy cardigans or coats. You’d also see that I’m one of Those Girls who organizes her closet by color (and it does totally follow the ROYGBIV model). I typically don’t plan my wardrobe more than 2 seconds in advance—there’s no way of knowing what color I’ll feel like on a given day.

I’m more likely to go “ooh shiny” over a bright yellow skirt (true story: I found one on sale this weekend for 90% off) or a turquoise coat than an actually shiny piece of jewelry. I also have this crazy notion that almost any color can go with any other color (therefore rendering the idea of a “neutral” entirely obsolete, at least in my head) and have been known to wear gray suede boots, bright pink tights, and a black dress to work. (I’ve also been known to completely go slumming in jeans and a t-shirt to work on a day other than Friday; some days are more worth the effort than others.)

When it comes to my knitting, I work in an incredibly similar way. Rarely, if ever, do I put a whole lot of thought into choosing colors for projects. You know that saying “Follow your instincts?” My knitting instincts are loud and clear when it comes to color selection. I think this is one reason I stash a lot of yarn, rather than following the more sensible if not as much “fun” way of only buying yarn as it’s needed—I’ll never know when a yarn and pattern are going to say “pick us!”

With this love of color in mind, I went to the yarn store down the street from work to pick up some goodies for the contest (which, I have decided, will run until 3/26). I had no idea what I was looking for, but when I got in there, my instincts suddenly shouted “Purple!” and well, here you go (the color is a bit off; purple, like red, can be a real pain to photograph).


The lucky winner of the contest will receive one skein of Cascade Heritage (maybe for some new socks, perhaps?), two skeins of Berocco Vintage (more than enough to make a scarf if you choose), and two skeins of Rowan Big Wool (for no other reason than it looked fun and fluffy), as well as a cute little piggy tape measure. Make sure you enter for your chance to win, and to celebrate the blogaversary! In the meantime, I’ll be figuring out what color tomorrow might feel like.

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