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Category: Inspirations

Planning ahead

When it comes to knitting, I’ve decided that a better approach, for me, is to plan ahead as much as possible. It’s good for me to know what I want to do, so I don’t end up with a million WIPs; even if I’m not loving a project while I’m in the middle of it, I can look at my list and say “well, this is on the list, so I’m going to work on this for a little while and then come back to this other thing.”

My momma would be so proud; she used to struggle with me to plan my clothes for school the night before. (I do, occasionally, plan out my work clothes the night before, but usually only because I’m excited about a new outfit or crazy color combination.) {read more}


Man, I <3 my mom

My relationship with my mom is not one of those “my mom is my best friend” kind of thing, though we are pretty close and I miss her a whole lot, being halfway across the country from her. (I love my dad and my brother very much, too, but they’re not really a part of this post.) So when she told me she was going to mail me some crafting supplies she’d found in a closet, I was really curious as to what she might have found. She had said there was some yarn, and some books, but I had no idea what was waiting for me. {read more}